Luke Browning & Tim Reid

We truly believe that in a world of ever changing educational systems and properties you must learn and grow with the times to be able to sustain change and growth within a school or business.   

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Luke Browning 

Luke Browning was born and raised in Grass Valley, California, where he grew up raising livestock, participating in athletics, and spending time outdoors camping and hiking. After high school, he was elected to serve California as a State Officer for Future Farmers of America. He was trained by top professors from various major California universities, and traveled the state, presenting leadership conferences to high school students from Mexico to the Oregon border. During this experience, Luke began to develop a passion for growth and student success that he carried with him to college. Luke worked for the National FFA Organization while attending college at CSU Chico, completing his studies during the week, then catching flights every Friday to a different state to present goal-based leadership conferences to students all over the country. After earning his bachelor’s degree in Agriculture Science, he entered the teacher credentialing program. He took his first job as an intern at West Valley High School in Cottonwood, California, where he taught Agriculture Earth Science and Livestock Production. For nine years he honed his craft, coaching multiple state champion and nationally ranked teams while deepening his love and understanding of what makes students learn. During that time, his second child Harper was born with DiGeorge Syndrome, which ultimately caused her to spend the first year of her life in the PICU at UC Davis Medical Center. After multiple heart surgeries and many ups and downs, she was released to go home, where she continues to make great strides in her health. As you would imagine, this experience made Luke see how vulnerable we are on this journey we call life and, in many ways, has helped shape him into the human-centered administrator that he is today. As Harper grew, so did her challenges with learning. Luke quickly learned that if Harper did not have a supportive community of adults who loved her unconditionally, she would fail in public education. In his current role as an Assistant Principal at Nevada Union High School in Grass Valley, California, Luke spends most of his time working with educational professionals on fine-tuning their role in the professional learning community process. He coaches both Classified and Certificated staff on following the roadmap to success by first determining their why and then laying out standard procedures. Under his direction, certificated staff get clear about what they want students to know and be able to do, measure student mastery of essential learning outcomes, intervene when students are not learning, and enrich student understanding when they show mastery of content. In his work with classified staff, he takes a similar approach by helping them see what the true nature of their business is, who their clients are, what they need to deliver, how they are going to define a quality product, and what success in their position will look like. Luke’s professional resume and personal experience with his daughter’s struggle with education are why he is so passionate about this work. He is committed to helping every school and district he comes in contact with, and he hopes that they become a place where all students can achieve learning at high levels. Luke knows that when teams of adults work together to achieve a common goal, collective responsibility for student learning emerges, and student success increases.  

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Tim Reid

Tim Reid is a school administrator and agriculture expert with over 13 years of experience as a summer school principal, assistant principal, teacher, professor, and more than 2 decades of experience in agriculture production and agriculture education. His public school administration career spans 13 years, where he focused on career technical education, associated student body (ASB), and student behavior. He has facilitated and managed large student body activities, and numerous off-campus field trips across the nation. During these activities, Tim also focused on student-centered hands-on learning in a safe environment. As a school administrator, Tim has specialized in student relationships and behavior along with fostered academic excellence, promoting the professional learning community process focusing on every student learning at a high level. As a summer school Principal, Tim’s experience focused on special education. Duties included oversight and supervision of the comprehensive operations of a summer school setting, including hiring instructional and non-instructional staff, IEP implementation, and support. As an Assistant Principal, he created and provided behavioral supports to students from grade 9 through to graduation. Additionally, Tim was the administrator over the special education department, with over 290 students with IEP’s, maintenance, career technical education, Title 1, visual and performing arts, and ASB. He hired personnel, supported the master schedule process, and supervised all programs affecting facility use and safety. Tim developed behavior systems that include creation of an on campus intervention program, mulita-tiered intervention, and restorative practices. Through this work, Tim helped to reduce the number of students suspended by 386%. As a teacher, Tim’s background is in Agriculture education, mostly teaching in the shop environment. With the inherent dangers of a shop environment, Tim focused on student supervision, safety, and shop organization. He also traveled with many students across the state and nation on field trips, supervised activities, and oversaw student government. This brings a deep understanding of the associated student body process and funding. Currently, Tim is teaching Agriculture Business and Economics at the community college level. Tim has also been involved in all aspects of agriculture production. Growing up on a cattle and horse ranch, Tim began to make all of the management decisions on the family ranch starting at age 16. The cattle industry has been Tim’s main focus working at all levels of production and to this day operating an Cow/Calf operation. Moreover, Tim has spent two years in the produce industry, traveling across the state of California in quality assurance, managing cold chains, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point plans, in field harvesting, and production. Tim has extensive knowledge of the equine industry, showing, training, and riding horses for over 30 years. Tim has his Administrative Service Credential and he earned his Master of Science in Agriculture Education at California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo. He holds a Single Subject Teaching Credential in Agriculture, and a Specialized Teaching Credential in Agriculture. He also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture Business. He is a member of various professional organizations, including the Association of California School Administrators. He manages all of the district Pro-Act training and has been extensively trained on physical restraint, assault crisis training, and de-escalation. He has been trained in drug impairment, gang awareness, restorative practices, alternatives to suspension, harassment, intimidation, and bullying, suicide prevention, and drug and alcohol awareness. 

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